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Every two years the Border Kei Institute for Architects holds its Awards for Architecture event. Award winners become eligible for entry into the South African Institute of Architects' national awards held the following year.

The criteria relied upon by our panel of well-respected, acclaimed practising architect, to assess entries encompassed the broad SAIA Awards criteria of firmness, commodity, delight and ecology. In addition, our panel carefully considers how successful submissions are in achieving the declared intention of their authors.

       How did submissions respond to their site, climate and context?

       How successful and creative are responses to the specific requirements of the clients and how did this influence the intersect with the         initial concepts?

      The very best architecture can move us, challenge our preconceptions and lift us to another level. Through the skill full handling of               light, volume, materiality and legibility, do the submission, regardless of size or budget, manage to produce this poetic effect?

It is with deliberate intention that the attention of the Border Kei institute of Architects is directed towards quality in our built environment and in particular, the architecture we produce. This awards programme recognises the hard work of many of our colleagues in this field and we want to thank all those who participate.

The submissions are to be submitted in the following format:

     Awards Conditions

     Poster Submission Format

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